What is MIO?
Mio is a video partnership exchange-program which allows us to learn about other
countries and lifestyles via a partner school. Via Internet video messages may be exchanged which are prepared and created together with the project managers. The resulting interplay of video messages will provide the participants with the opportunity to connect with other cultures,
to eliminate prejudices and to contribute a mutual understanding of each other. On our website information is available of ongoing partnerships and possibilities of new connections. We want to gradually create a network which will allow diverse schools all over the world to interact and learn from and with each other.
A special homemade sun lotion in Madagascar is called ‘Masanjoany’. Helene from the Wittekind school in Germany tries out the special cream after having watched the video from Madagascar which explains in detail how the suncream is mixed and applied.
What have we achieved?
The first partnership-program has already been implemented and has taken place in cooperation with the German school Wittekind / Halle (Saale) and the Malagasy school Manda / Antananarivo in Madagascar. During a period of 15 weeks the children of the two schools were encouraged to deal with the countries of Madagascar and Germany by exchanging videos. Delphine Bishop looked after the German group while Lina Zacher took over the Malagasy correspondence with the Manda school class. We, as project initiators, were responsible to guide the two groups and to convey the content selected by the children themselves to the partner country. Together the children have dealt with different topics and presented each other the characteristics of their own country by using a camera. The resulting interplay of video messages gave the participants the opportunity to get to know each other and to connect with a foreign culture.
On this website our project will be documented so that interested people can follow our cultural exchange and learn about how the implementation of such a project could work.
The Wittekind children and the Manda children have created more than 70 videos together in which they explain all sorts of everyday routines and ask and answer questions.
What is our aim?
Our aim is to spread our ideas and to build up new contacts with schools. We want our project to be heard and challenge schools to adopt our video-exchange concept as an important part of teaching. At the same time we want to appeal to develop new creative approaches for cultural exchange projects and use our internet platform to share ideas with each other and work together to find ways to work together. We also want to find long-term sponsors and partners to ensure on the one hand the realization of new partnerships and related expenses, and on the other hand help to support our public relations work.